Wrong answer!
Right answer!
Observatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
48% of Europeans say that their housing is quite comfortable; before the desire to stay there for as long as possible and its quality/price ratio. On the other hand, its ecological characteristics only obtains 14%.
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
63% of Europeans considered that their budget spent on energy in their homes can be optimized.
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
With a rating of 4,7, European do not have a strong sense of energy waste, especially homeowners who have a distorted view of the energy performance of their homes.
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
46% of the owners have carried out energy renovation works in the last 3 years, whether they are single works (wall/floor insulation, replacement of windows...) or multiple works (replacement of windows + insulation of walls, roof/wall insulation + installation of photovoltaic panels or a heat pump).
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
First reason given by European with 32,5%: to achieve financial savings. Followed by improvement of daily comfort (30%), ecological convictions (20,5%) and the valuation of the property (12,5%).
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
Once the work is completed, the reduction in energy consumption expected by Europeans remains quite modest. 81% of them expect a decrease in their energy bills of less than 25%.
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
3 out of 4 Europeans trust craftsmen and installers to inform them. Far ahead before the DIY stores (64%), government (58%) and energy suppliers (55%).
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
While 36% of Europeans lower the temperature by one or more degrees in the winter, 74% systematically turn off the lights when leaving a room. These 2 gestures are the ones they consider most effective in reducing their energy expenditure.
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
Today, 48% of Europeans prefer to finance their renovation projects with their savings. Government’s incentives and credit are used in 25% of the cases.
Discover the results of the studyObservatoire Cetelem de l’Habitat 2024.
Study conducted in March 2024 with 13,000 Europeans from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom) aged 18 to 65, representative of the population.
80% of Europeans believe that banks and financial institutions should support their customers from start to finish in their energy renovation project.
Discover the results of the study